This shall be the second gokusen promotion report. :D
Shimura Zoo 04/07/2009
Guest: Nakama Yukie
She is really quite popular judding from all the screaming. lol
The programme start off with Nakama saying that she loves animals so shimura-san and gang said that they would introduce some SUPER cute puppies for her :D
But before that, where is BECKY?
hahah a voice is suddenly heard from behind and it is none other than becky dressed up as yankumi (the famous red jersey) and imitating the way yankumi would talk. Nakama was so tickled by it and more so when becky self proclaim that she is BEKIKUMI. When asked about her thoughts towards this, Nakama was just about to answer when Becky interrupted and copied whatever that nakama said. lol

hahah shimura san was like- iyaaaaa-
enough with that, they move on to the trailer of Gokusen the movie. After the trailer was shown, once again becky imitated a scene from the movie when yankumi was on the floor. I just burst out laughing.

finally getting back on the topic, they started showing clips of the puppies. OH MY they are really adorable, and nakama is really adorable too looking at them with the 'I want one for myself' look when she was viewing the clips (toy poodles are so cuteeee, i was gya-ing over them when i saw the little ones tumbling around)

nakama was totally gushing 'kawaii!' when this little thing was on the screen :)and she said that she wanted to touch it. soooooo...
they manage to get a dog on the show and when all of us thought that it would be that little buddy, it turn out to be another dog wearing a red jersey. i am guessing that it is still pretty young, heh, it is still cute. SO they got nakama to carry it.
what an obedient dog, it allows nakama to carry it and hold its paw (nakama is good with animals and children ne? perfect wife! hear that nakai-kun?:p)
yankumi to wankumi. :) hahahah
becky held it too, lol and she talked to the dog the way yankumi would speak to her students. HAHAHAHAH pity the dog doesn't really understand. :)
all the other clips were shown, of a comedica duo (i love how Kasuga addresses her as yankumi-san) going to see the animals in the zoo where they will have hands on experience on touching the cubs of a lion and feeding the lions. LION CUBS are adorable!! I just want to hug them! Did you know that they would follow their mama's tail?! hahaha

oh at a point of time when kasuga was feeding the cubs, he called himself kasuga papa and said that nakama mama is watching them now. hahahahahahah

hmm, after that there is not much nakama screen time, so i shall not talk too much into it.
after which it is the guessing the animal game. a black out photo is given and the guest and host are suppose to guess the animal according to the shape. Nakama sugoi desu ne?! she guessed both correctly. :)
first is a peacan and the second is a riku tortoise. so intuitive she is :)

-they prove how fast a cheetah can sprint and the answer is. fast... I do not want to be its prey. :/
-they trained a dog called ink to become an aid dog. It was not successful for the first two times as it was tempted towards the toys that they had purposely placed there to distract it. but it finally manage to conquer the desire to play with the toy and complete the course successfully. :)
ahh, nakama needs to come up on the show more often :)