wonder if this is reliable
7/3 (金) 03:15~05:10 EX 溺れる魚
7/4 (土) 15:00~15:55 NTV ごくせん THE MOVIE 公開直前SP
7/4 (土) 19:00~19:56 NTV 天才!志村どうぶつ園
7/6 (月) 21:00~21:54 NTV 人生が変わる1分間の深イイ話
7/8 (水) 21:00~21:54 NTV ザ・世界仰天ニュース
7/11(土) 19:57~20:54 NTV 世界一受けたい授業
7/11(土) 21:00~22:54 NTV 「映画化記念特別編ごくせん7年間の歴史全部見せますSP!(仮)」
7/12(日) 21:00~21:54 NTV 行列のできる法律相談所
7/15(水) 19:58~20:54 笑ってコラえて!
7/16(木) 19:58~20:54 NTV ぐるぐるナインティナイン
7/18(土) 19:56~20:54 NTV 世界一受けたい授業
will try to catch everything.thankfully it doesnt crash with my camps :)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Mr brain episode 6 and rambling
I shall proclaim that this will be my favourite episode of Mr Brain now, the ratings are not as important for this episode, cause Nakama's acting skills are totally superb here in this one. :)
There were lots of emotions running through me while i was watching this episode. Name it and you have it.
and finally anguish and regret. :/
For one thing, this episode totally kept me on my seat for the whole of 50 mins. When she first appeared in the massive shooting for the school reunion, I am absolutely terrified of the ruthlessness in her eyes when she started firing the gun at her ex classmates. There was adrenaline and tension that will definitely force your butt to stick to the seat and eyes in front of the computer/tv. Though.....the music that they played at that scene was kinda cliche. X)
Nakama was able to portray the three roles perfectly, as murderous shuusuke, big eater shouko and of course the vulnerable kanako. For now, i think no one is able to play Akiyoshi Kanako as well as her. The behind the scene report on the mr brain tbs website was that the crew really got to see THE ACTRESS nakama yukie in action. The commments of the view on this episode were also talking about nakama's ability to portray the characters beautifully within a short span of time.
After hearing the plight of kanako, I felt an intense anger and sympathy for this girl that was trapped for 15 years.
The teacher who didnt believe in her story that she was being stalked.
Those narcissistic and annoying classmates that taunted her and refuse to go home with her.
All the false acting infront of the camera when something happened to Kanako.
Poor Kanako,
if you all had believed in her in the first place, this wouldnt have happened at all would it? Who knows, she might be leading a happy life right now?
I guess the most exciting thing for this episode would be the fact that we were able to see Nakama stepping and attacking kimura takuya. X) It was sudden and swift and my goodness, it scared the hell out of me, course it really looks like it hurts! Being a fan of them both, i have no idea what to say about the two scenes. I just want to see the making of this episode. Should be pretty interesting, especially the hospital scenes. Her interactions with kimura increased a lot and i thoroughly enjoyed their scene together, whether she is kanako or shuusuke. please let them act in more shows together. Those were great scenes. plus the final moments were pretty unexpected. And there we people thanking tbs for inviting nakama to guest star opposite kimura.
Shall not dwell into the contents of the show, cause it is really rather complicated. But at the end of the show, it was for the first time in Mr brain that i see hesitation in both Tsukumo-san and the other police when they are forced to capture Akiyoshi Kanako. The handcuffing scene when they were unwilling to place the cuffs on her. The scene when Tsukumo-san was practically grinding his two hands together when Akiyoshi Kanako admitted to the crime and surrendered herself with a simple "Dozo". And the last scene of her looking up at the sky when she finally managed to get out from the basement and look at the sky for the first time in 15 years.
I cant imagine myself as her, being kept underground for 15 years without looking at the clear blue sky. I am never taking that for granted anymore. :/
On a happier note, i rushed down to the theatres to catch transformers, revenge of the fallen. WOOTS it is pretty good, the graphics will blow your mind away. and megan fox is reallllly hot! HAhahah no doubt all the guys think that she is hot, cause even we girls think she is smoking!! X)
There were lots of emotions running through me while i was watching this episode. Name it and you have it.
and finally anguish and regret. :/
For one thing, this episode totally kept me on my seat for the whole of 50 mins. When she first appeared in the massive shooting for the school reunion, I am absolutely terrified of the ruthlessness in her eyes when she started firing the gun at her ex classmates. There was adrenaline and tension that will definitely force your butt to stick to the seat and eyes in front of the computer/tv. Though.....the music that they played at that scene was kinda cliche. X)
Nakama was able to portray the three roles perfectly, as murderous shuusuke, big eater shouko and of course the vulnerable kanako. For now, i think no one is able to play Akiyoshi Kanako as well as her. The behind the scene report on the mr brain tbs website was that the crew really got to see THE ACTRESS nakama yukie in action. The commments of the view on this episode were also talking about nakama's ability to portray the characters beautifully within a short span of time.
After hearing the plight of kanako, I felt an intense anger and sympathy for this girl that was trapped for 15 years.
The teacher who didnt believe in her story that she was being stalked.
Those narcissistic and annoying classmates that taunted her and refuse to go home with her.
All the false acting infront of the camera when something happened to Kanako.
Poor Kanako,
if you all had believed in her in the first place, this wouldnt have happened at all would it? Who knows, she might be leading a happy life right now?
I guess the most exciting thing for this episode would be the fact that we were able to see Nakama stepping and attacking kimura takuya. X) It was sudden and swift and my goodness, it scared the hell out of me, course it really looks like it hurts! Being a fan of them both, i have no idea what to say about the two scenes. I just want to see the making of this episode. Should be pretty interesting, especially the hospital scenes. Her interactions with kimura increased a lot and i thoroughly enjoyed their scene together, whether she is kanako or shuusuke. please let them act in more shows together. Those were great scenes. plus the final moments were pretty unexpected. And there we people thanking tbs for inviting nakama to guest star opposite kimura.
Shall not dwell into the contents of the show, cause it is really rather complicated. But at the end of the show, it was for the first time in Mr brain that i see hesitation in both Tsukumo-san and the other police when they are forced to capture Akiyoshi Kanako. The handcuffing scene when they were unwilling to place the cuffs on her. The scene when Tsukumo-san was practically grinding his two hands together when Akiyoshi Kanako admitted to the crime and surrendered herself with a simple "Dozo". And the last scene of her looking up at the sky when she finally managed to get out from the basement and look at the sky for the first time in 15 years.
I cant imagine myself as her, being kept underground for 15 years without looking at the clear blue sky. I am never taking that for granted anymore. :/
On a happier note, i rushed down to the theatres to catch transformers, revenge of the fallen. WOOTS it is pretty good, the graphics will blow your mind away. and megan fox is reallllly hot! HAhahah no doubt all the guys think that she is hot, cause even we girls think she is smoking!! X)
Monday, June 22, 2009
post mr brain episode 5
ratings for this episode is 18.5
Not good, but not entirely bad either i would have to say. If you look through all the ratings, it is still quite high. I guess the only reason why people may say it is low is because of the kimura legend, that most of his shows are 20 something percent. But if you look over the entire year, 18.5 percent is relatively okay. Thank god it is not lower than 16.3 or i would have gone totally ballistic.
Truthfully speaking, after watching episode 5, somewhere deep down in my brain (erps, don't mind the pun, not at all intended) anticipated that the ratings would be around there. Firstly, when they ended off episode 4, the audience had one week to unravel the mystery, so it is sort of a climax killer. -.- If it wasn't kimura acting it, i probably wouldnt even have caught this show in the first place. Too many similar shows over the years. Seems like japanese can't seem to get enough of detective genre shows.
Plus the fact that they only gave 30 mins to introduce nakama's case, wayyy to little. Thank goodness i was a nakama fan, or else i wouldnt even be able to get absorb into the case as quick as possible in order to follow her case. In addition, don't you think that there are still many loop holes, what caused her to develop multiple personalities? They should focus more on how the kidnap case cause this 10 yr old girl to develop this disorder before jumping straight into nakama's murder cases. TBS is really trying to drag this series, well it may turn out to be good or bad, we will just have to find out.
Alright, enough with the negativity, let's look at the positive side, at least most of us were shock by nakama's acting, her smile in this episode is postively frightening. Not the typical warm and beautiful smile that nakama gives. O.o
haha and i did like the scene when she bumped into kimura and he was just staring at her. haha and the little dance that kimura gave when he started his experiment on colour vs objects/words. hahaha it was adorable. X)
Come to think of it, poor nakama, she hates loud sounds and here she is firing soo many gun shots, she doesnt seem to be wearing any ear plugs though. hahah it must be hell for her filming this. XD
whatever it is, let's just see how the next episode turns out, at the very least, let it stay there and not get any lower if it can't go up higher.
okay this is totally random, but yep my current smapxactress pair obsession other than kimuraxmatsu
Not good, but not entirely bad either i would have to say. If you look through all the ratings, it is still quite high. I guess the only reason why people may say it is low is because of the kimura legend, that most of his shows are 20 something percent. But if you look over the entire year, 18.5 percent is relatively okay. Thank god it is not lower than 16.3 or i would have gone totally ballistic.
Truthfully speaking, after watching episode 5, somewhere deep down in my brain (erps, don't mind the pun, not at all intended) anticipated that the ratings would be around there. Firstly, when they ended off episode 4, the audience had one week to unravel the mystery, so it is sort of a climax killer. -.- If it wasn't kimura acting it, i probably wouldnt even have caught this show in the first place. Too many similar shows over the years. Seems like japanese can't seem to get enough of detective genre shows.
Plus the fact that they only gave 30 mins to introduce nakama's case, wayyy to little. Thank goodness i was a nakama fan, or else i wouldnt even be able to get absorb into the case as quick as possible in order to follow her case. In addition, don't you think that there are still many loop holes, what caused her to develop multiple personalities? They should focus more on how the kidnap case cause this 10 yr old girl to develop this disorder before jumping straight into nakama's murder cases. TBS is really trying to drag this series, well it may turn out to be good or bad, we will just have to find out.
Alright, enough with the negativity, let's look at the positive side, at least most of us were shock by nakama's acting, her smile in this episode is postively frightening. Not the typical warm and beautiful smile that nakama gives. O.o
haha and i did like the scene when she bumped into kimura and he was just staring at her. haha and the little dance that kimura gave when he started his experiment on colour vs objects/words. hahaha it was adorable. X)
Come to think of it, poor nakama, she hates loud sounds and here she is firing soo many gun shots, she doesnt seem to be wearing any ear plugs though. hahah it must be hell for her filming this. XD
whatever it is, let's just see how the next episode turns out, at the very least, let it stay there and not get any lower if it can't go up higher.
okay this is totally random, but yep my current smapxactress pair obsession other than kimuraxmatsu

Friday, June 19, 2009
6/19(金) 22:54~23:00 TBS MR.BRAIN ミニ番宣
6/20(土) 14:00~15:00 TBS MR.BRAIN ナビ
6/20(土) 19:56~20:54 TBS MR.BRAIN 5話
6/27(土) 14:00~15:00 TBS MR.BRAIN ナビ?
6/27(土) 19:56~20:54 TBS MR.BRAIN 6話
7/6(月) 21:00~21:54 NTV 人生が変わる1分間の深イイ話
7/8(水) 21:00~21:54 NTV ザ・世界仰天ニュース
7/11(土) 19:57~20:54 NTV 世界一受けたい授業
7/11(土) 21:00~22:54 NTV 「映画化記念特別編ごくせん7年間の歴史全部見せますSP!(仮)」
7/12(日) 21:00~21:54 NTV 行列のできる法律相談所
7/16(木) 19:58~20:54 NTV ぐるぐるナインティナイン
Take note! This is taken from the 2ch thread. Ohhh i seriously cant wait for mr brain to come. I do love episode 4 :)
I love sato takeru! He looked so lost in mr brain when he is trying to remember that i just want to hug him X)
6/20(土) 14:00~15:00 TBS MR.BRAIN ナビ
6/20(土) 19:56~20:54 TBS MR.BRAIN 5話
6/27(土) 14:00~15:00 TBS MR.BRAIN ナビ?
6/27(土) 19:56~20:54 TBS MR.BRAIN 6話
7/6(月) 21:00~21:54 NTV 人生が変わる1分間の深イイ話
7/8(水) 21:00~21:54 NTV ザ・世界仰天ニュース
7/11(土) 19:57~20:54 NTV 世界一受けたい授業
7/11(土) 21:00~22:54 NTV 「映画化記念特別編ごくせん7年間の歴史全部見せますSP!(仮)」
7/12(日) 21:00~21:54 NTV 行列のできる法律相談所
7/16(木) 19:58~20:54 NTV ぐるぐるナインティナイン
Take note! This is taken from the 2ch thread. Ohhh i seriously cant wait for mr brain to come. I do love episode 4 :)
I love sato takeru! He looked so lost in mr brain when he is trying to remember that i just want to hug him X)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Gokusen promotion
here is the schedule, so people, please remember them well,
ah there was a tiny bit of me where i hoped that she would be on smapXsmap, i mean most of the gokusen boys are johnny's boy right? so she could have com eon the show with one of them :(
7/6 人生が変わる1分間の深イイ話
ゲスト:仲間由紀恵 亀梨和也 高木雄也
7/8 ザ・世界仰天ニュース
ゲスト:仲間由紀恵 亀梨和也
7/12 行列のできる法律相談所
ゲスト:仲間由紀恵 生瀬勝久 東幹久
ah there was a tiny bit of me where i hoped that she would be on smapXsmap, i mean most of the gokusen boys are johnny's boy right? so she could have com eon the show with one of them :(
7/6 人生が変わる1分間の深イイ話
ゲスト:仲間由紀恵 亀梨和也 高木雄也
7/8 ザ・世界仰天ニュース
ゲスト:仲間由紀恵 亀梨和也
7/12 行列のできる法律相談所
ゲスト:仲間由紀恵 生瀬勝久 東幹久
Sunday, June 14, 2009
mr brain and more
for those who miss out the trailer for mr brain episode 5
seems like it is like trick's style, cause the case for episode 4 is not close yet, i wonder if there is any link between these two cases or nakama will appear on the show as a separate case? hopefully separate case, then her case can extend to episode 6!
According to the japanese fans (thanks yanie for the info!)
there is going to be a tsubaki movie named FLOWERS and it will star 6 actresses across the different period, so far only one actress has been confirm, but since nakama is the STAR of tsubaki, i am guessing she will most probably be in this movie too. :) though please don't let this be her main movie next year, i want her to appear in another show/movie as the lead by herself :)
speaking of which, another rumour circulating is that she would be the lead for the movie gegege no nyobo. though this is only a rumour. not too sure how true this is, if any one can confirm, that would be great!
Just another clip
new commercial,her kimono scene blows me away once again!
seems like it is like trick's style, cause the case for episode 4 is not close yet, i wonder if there is any link between these two cases or nakama will appear on the show as a separate case? hopefully separate case, then her case can extend to episode 6!
According to the japanese fans (thanks yanie for the info!)
there is going to be a tsubaki movie named FLOWERS and it will star 6 actresses across the different period, so far only one actress has been confirm, but since nakama is the STAR of tsubaki, i am guessing she will most probably be in this movie too. :) though please don't let this be her main movie next year, i want her to appear in another show/movie as the lead by herself :)
speaking of which, another rumour circulating is that she would be the lead for the movie gegege no nyobo. though this is only a rumour. not too sure how true this is, if any one can confirm, that would be great!
Just another clip
new commercial,her kimono scene blows me away once again!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Gokusen movie press conference
◆試写会情報 タイトル:「ごくせん THE MOVIE」完成披露試写会
日時:6月30日(火) 開場17:30/開映18:00
場所:東京国際フォーラム ホールA
締切り:6/22(月) 当日消印有効
日本郵便 京橋支店私書箱143号
「ごくせん THE MOVIE」試写会NTV係
For those with keyhole tv or tvants, you can try and catch it live too.
nakama Yukie is going to be pretty active this month and next month, so do watch out for her.
For nakanaka lovers, please head over to yanie's livejournal for the screencaps of the making of watashi wa kai ni naritai and the description!
According to yanie, mr brain filming for nakama's episode is underway, so hopefullhy there will be some news about it like kamenashi last time. Where there was a photo, seeing that both nakama and kimura has such huge fan base and the H1N1 virus around, hopfully the ratings would be good for that episode! ^^
日時:6月30日(火) 開場17:30/開映18:00
場所:東京国際フォーラム ホールA
締切り:6/22(月) 当日消印有効
日本郵便 京橋支店私書箱143号
「ごくせん THE MOVIE」試写会NTV係
For those with keyhole tv or tvants, you can try and catch it live too.
nakama Yukie is going to be pretty active this month and next month, so do watch out for her.
For nakanaka lovers, please head over to yanie's livejournal for the screencaps of the making of watashi wa kai ni naritai and the description!
According to yanie, mr brain filming for nakama's episode is underway, so hopefullhy there will be some news about it like kamenashi last time. Where there was a photo, seeing that both nakama and kimura has such huge fan base and the H1N1 virus around, hopfully the ratings would be good for that episode! ^^
Monday, June 1, 2009
gokusen promotion
TV Taroより
AHHH i wish, I wish, I pray, I beg that nakama would appear on bistro smap!
In a few hours later, ehhh, around 28 hours to be exact, my shipping for Nakama and Nakai's movie Watashi wa kai ni naritai would be on its way to singapore! :) Cant wait to get my hands on them! WOOTS
TV Taroより
AHHH i wish, I wish, I pray, I beg that nakama would appear on bistro smap!
In a few hours later, ehhh, around 28 hours to be exact, my shipping for Nakama and Nakai's movie Watashi wa kai ni naritai would be on its way to singapore! :) Cant wait to get my hands on them! WOOTS
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