Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gokusen promotion

here is the schedule, so people, please remember them well,
ah there was a tiny bit of me where i hoped that she would be on smapXsmap, i mean most of the gokusen boys are johnny's boy right? so she could have com eon the show with one of them :(

7/6 人生が変わる1分間の深イイ話
ゲスト:仲間由紀恵 亀梨和也 高木雄也

7/8 ザ・世界仰天ニュース
ゲスト:仲間由紀恵 亀梨和也

7/12 行列のできる法律相談所
ゲスト:仲間由紀恵 生瀬勝久 東幹久

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