Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Japanese Drama watch list

I am at this point in time where I need to re-watch Japanese dramas as none of the current season's ones struck my interest. While I am still following Nazotoki wa Dinner no atode, I can't seem to find any romantic drama which suits my taste. The very last drama of that genre which I watched was Buzzer Beat, satisfying as it may be it still couldn't tug my heart strings like the older dramas which I watched. What happen to the good old shows like Beautiful Life, Long Vacation, Love Generation and Last Love?
If you look at the common points these dramas have, it is that they belong to the 1990s-2000, let's throw in the awesome Kimura Takuya just for my sake <3

While I love a dark mystery and police drama (I really honestly do) I feel that there are too many of that coming out, one after the other. Kao, Unfair, Boss, Boss 2 (I love all these by the way), Tokyo Dogs, Lady Boss,Utsukushi Rinjin and the list goes on and on. Maybe it is a phase thing? Japan in the early 1990s-2000 is more pure and innocent? And now they are moving to show the criminal side of Japan? All these interesting cases sort of makes Japan really creepy doesn't it? Your neighbour is not who she seems, your best friend may betray at any point in time by attempting to kill your daughter? A dark force waiting to be unleashed in Japan.

As such, I am now turning to watching old shows that are worth watching twice/ thrice, these shows are funny, heartwarming, meaningful and downright heart wrenching at certain point in time (AND PEOPLE SAY THAT KOREA IS THE START OF TEAR JERKING DRAMAS -OH PLEASE-)

Beautiful Life (2000) (I can kill the writer for coming up with the most realistic, apt and yet heart wrenching ending ever in the television history, it didn't get 41.3% ratings for nothing)

Last Love (1996)
Heaven's Coin (1996)
Hitotsu Yane no Shita (1991 and 1997)
Hikari To tomo Ni (2004)
Long Love Letter (2002)
Meguri Ai (1997)
Long Vacation(1997)
Kabachitare (2001) (I need to praise Fukatsu Eri and Tokiwa Takako's acting here, AWESOME CHEMISTRY, you hardly get that from 2 top stars. Well played!)

If you have the time, catch these shows. Prepare a tissue box and get some sports cream for your abdomen pain and aspirin because your stomach is going to ache from laughter and your brain will go haywire from sudden laughter to sobbing hysterically.

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