I thought this part of the interview was pretty interesting, we get to learn more of Nakama's fears. So here you go!

Nakama: I hate loud sounds. For eg, the sound of gun shots and fireworks. I really feel scared and I can't help it. So while i was filming Joshi Deka and was required to fire a gun, my hand was really trembling while i was filming.
Nakama: I also stuffed 4 ear plugs into my ears, i was really SCARED.
Ueda: 4?? Wouldn't it be had to take them out later??
Nakama: Oh, i stuff 2 per ear, so there is a total of 4...
Ueda; Ah but even so, we wouldnt find the need to stuff 4 pieces in one by one right? Hmmm, let's see if there is any thing interesting...

" In the midst of filming, her skirt slipped down."
What exactly happened?
Nakama: Ehhh, this one.... Someone mentioned this incident?
Ueda: Seems like the information is from your manager, what exactly happedned?
Nakama: Anooo.... I was filming half way and the scene was in the public. Along the shops at Sugama Shouten. I was required to wear a long skirt for my female character. The filming continued until it reached a scene where my character starts to become more agitated.
The director shouted "Test!" and we starting rehearsing the scene. Somehow or another, the zip of my skirt became unzipped and my skirt just slipped down.
At that point of time, i still didn't really know what happened and after a second or two, the female helpers ran up to me and gathered up my skirt.
But there was a second or two where my skirt was on the floor.
Nakama: Ahh no no no, cause it was only a test film
Ueda: But you were in the public right? Were there a lot of passer-bys?
Nakama: Yes, there was a few passer-bys
Ueda: Ahh, that is really embarrssing.

Nakama: Hai, but there was something more embarrassing. Due to the fact that it was during winter, you would wear some clothes or johns to keep yourself warm right?
Ueda: Ah yes.
Nakama: When my skirt fell, i was actually wearing something like tights inside. If it is black, it would still be pretty cool, but it was BIEGE.
Naohito: Ahh, isn't it very Sugama stle? Every one on the street was probably used to it.
end of 3rd wave

For two years consecutively, Nakama Yukie has been crowned the celebrity with the best black hair. in 2007, she topped all catergories and age group, emerging as the obvious favourite. While in 2008, oricon splitted the award to female and male. Nakama Yukie was the favourite, no doubt,and Hiroshi Tamaki was the male celeb with the best dark hair.
We can safely say that her hair has become her trademark and also a bench mark for beautiful dark hair for asians.
some of the opinions from the people who did the oricon survey
"Her hair has the ability to mersmerize people and at the same time is one of Nakama Yukie's trademark" (20 plus, resercher, univerisity student, male)
"She eludes the Yamato Nadeshiko aura and her hair makes her look really feminine and graceful" (10 plus, high school student, female)
"When i watch her in dramas and CMs, i think she really looks beautiful and she is a wonderful rolemodel for us females" (20 plus,corporate worker,female)

She has been a shiseido spokes person for many years now even before tsubaki.
Tsubaki Shiseido shampoo debut only in 2006 i think. And it was no doubt that she would be one of the few selected. Tsubaki shampoo commercials are very high budget and thus only actress and models who are outstanding would be chosen. :) tanaka rena, takeuchi yuko and ryoko were the other actress selected for the commercial ^^
Probably that's why she has to take out her rubber bands and specs whenever she fights the thugs in gokusen -to show off her sliky hair- ^^
I have been following the tsubaki commercials rather closely and i would just like to say that i love those commercials. They are soo KIREI and the song dear woman matches with it so well. I am always glad to see that Nakama Yukie's shot is also either infront or at the appropriate part of the music :) Her hair really shines doesn't it? And from what i heard, most of her commercials for hair products do not really require any CGs, they are mostly natural. And she never rebonds her hair and doesn;t dye her hair unless really required.
So people, i guess we can say that her hair is DEFINITELY of good quility and texture.
Does this have anything to do with the fact that she is Ryukuyuan? I wonder :o
Cause, putting her together with the other actresses, she stands out the most due to her rather traditional and oriental (yet at the same time able to look good in modern dramas too) look. She is one of the few actress who can really pull of a periodic look.
For those who don't know
Ryukyuans, or Lewchewans[1] (琉球民族; Okinawan: ?; Japanese: Ryūkyū minzoku) are the indigenous peoples of the Ryukyu Islands of Japan between the islands of Kyūshū and Taiwan.

I would like to say that i really prefer the old cast of the tsubaki girls, get Tanaka Rena back into the picture. The both of them would definitely make a dazzling pair!
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