Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Oh dear Mr weather,

Please let it be more cooling here in Singapore over the next few days -who am I kidding, let it be the next few years- if not, you will likely see more students fainting during morning assembly due to unthoughtful principals forcing students to listen to their preach under the hot sun. Also, you will likely see the me lying around at home, unwilling to do anything other then watching TV shows with the fan blasting at full speed. I am sure electrical companies are happy with the influx of revenue due to the heat. There is a reason why the Greeks are unwilling to accept the budget cut and I am sure that you are part of that reason. So please just drop a few degree Celsius. Pretty please. -puppy eyes-

Yours Sincerely,
A hot and bothered Singaporean

PS: Boss ending was awesome. Once again, I was still yearning for a little bit more for eriko and nodate

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