Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Today marks the first time that I am going Japan! -Cheers-

While this looks like a holiday at first glance, it definitely embeds much more than just a leisure tour around the various areas in Japan. Yet deep in our hearts, I'm sure that all of us know that it is much more than that. For one, we are helping out at areas which were devastated by the Tsunami a few months ago. It seems dangerous, but I believe that we all have to do a part to help out no matter how small the effort may seem. In terms of spirit and energy, Japan is the role model for the countries out there. No matter how many setbacks she faced, she is still able to continue striving to be the best among us. All her achievements couldn't possibly be done without the strong spirit of the Japanese. To be able to be part of this program is an honour and I can't wait for the journey to start!

Here is one video to ponder about:

I was watching the Adidas commercial by Li Bing Bing and I loved what she said:

That's the spirit that we should all have.

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