Friday, August 5, 2011

Volunteering And first try in the onsen

It has been a pretty eventful day. Volunteering at the rikuzan takada and traveling 3 hours to togatta onsen :D while what we have done to help has been very minimal, I am glad that we have been given a chance to experience the disaster first hand. Even though everything has been more or less cleared, it is still heart wrenching to witness it. We were told to pick up the rubbish as they wish to build a carpark for the tanabata festival. After a few hours of digging, we have uncovered a few momentos which we were unwilling to throw. For example we found a gorgeous yukata and a notebook filled with advanced mathematics which was very neatly written. Who is to decide what is precious and what is not? On an amusing note, never underestimate the power of women! Given enough strength, we can move a tree (literally)

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