Friday, June 5, 2009

Gokusen movie press conference

◆試写会情報 タイトル:「ごくせん THE MOVIE」完成披露試写会
 日時:6月30日(火) 開場17:30/開映18:00
 場所:東京国際フォーラム ホールA
 締切り:6/22(月) 当日消印有効
   日本郵便 京橋支店私書箱143号
   「ごくせん THE MOVIE」試写会NTV係

For those with keyhole tv or tvants, you can try and catch it live too.
nakama Yukie is going to be pretty active this month and next month, so do watch out for her.

For nakanaka lovers, please head over to yanie's livejournal for the screencaps of the making of watashi wa kai ni naritai and the description!

According to yanie, mr brain filming for nakama's episode is underway, so hopefullhy there will be some news about it like kamenashi last time. Where there was a photo, seeing that both nakama and kimura has such huge fan base and the H1N1 virus around, hopfully the ratings would be good for that episode! ^^

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